Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Support FAMEDS by Donation - Less than a Month Left!

This grassroots initiative to save the Avastin women need, can only succeed with your generous support.
Please support us if you believe strongly that:
  • Life is supremely precious and that we cannot consign women to premature deaths because a government agency refuses to act rationally and responsibly
  • We should not deprive women of the right to choose their life-saving medicines with the advice of their doctors
  • Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are worth defending, especially for those in need of our support in the hours of their greatest need
  • Government should not interfere in the most intimate aspects of a person’s life and their most precious individual liberties by trying to make life and death decisions best left to patients, their families and doctors
  • We need to send a loud message that limiting access to medicines that work safely for some is the wrong path for America
We thank you for your kind consideration in fighting for the Avastin women. Today the Avastin women, tomorrow a different medicine that you or your loves ones may need.
If you or a loved one has cancer or previously had cancer or another serious illness, you probably never gave a second thought to access to these critical medicines used to treat the condition. Imagine if you found a medicine that worked successfully for you but then were told by a government agency that in fact the drug did not work sufficiently well on average, so that you would be unable to use this drug.

FAMEDS operates as an extremely lean organization so that your dollars go to the cause, not to big overheads. There are no salaried employees as all work is performed on a voluntary basis. This grass roots approach to volunteerism is designed to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest.
Donations will be used primarily for the following purposes:
  • Promoting the mission of FAMEDS and the plight of the Avastin women.
    • This includes development and maintenance of the FAMEDS website, blogging, Tweeting, Facebook , LinkedIn and other social media activities
    • Writing and placing articles for publications in newspapers
  • Educating the public, politicians and others of the Avastin issue
    •  This includes travel to key constituencies, printing documents, etc.
    • Outreach to talk radio, TV and other media
  • Pursuing legal options to protect the Avastin women and reform the FDA
    • Legal action is extremely expensive, especially against any federal agency

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