Please share your thoughts with your colleagues as you bring a medical perspective to the issue. It may help the discussion if you indicate your background and medical qualifications, i.e., are you a breast cancer oncologist, a nurse, a PA in breast cancer treatment, etc.?
Influential groups such as the NCCN have continued to call for Avastin to remain as an option for metastatic breast cancer treatment, despite the FDA’s move in the opposite direction. Who’s right and why?
Is the FDA doing the right thing in protecting patients or can patients and doctors decide on the benefits and risks themselves?
What course of action should the FDA and Genentech take with regard to Avastin?
How will this affect your pledge to the Hippocratic Oath, if you are forced (for insurance of other reasons) to pull a drug from a patient when it is working for them and they may have few if any alternatives?